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Beds: 3Bath: 1Sq Ft: 1118

700 - 1250 sq ft, Bungalow House Plans, RTM Cabin Plans

Beds: 3Bath: 1Sq Ft: 1118

700 - 1250 sq ft, Bungalow House Plans, RTM Cabin Plans

Beds: 3Baths: 2Sq Ft: 1380

1250 – 2500 sq ft, RTM Cabin Plans

Beds: 3Baths: 2Sq Ft: 1380

1250 – 2500 sq ft, RTM Cabin Plans

Beds: 3Baths: 2Sq Ft: 1222

700 - 1250 sq ft, RTM Cabin Plans

Beds: 3Baths: 2Sq Ft: 1222

700 - 1250 sq ft, RTM Cabin Plans

Beds: 4Baths: 2Sq Ft: 1418

1250 – 2500 sq ft, RTM Cabin Plans, Two Storey House Plans

Beds: 4Baths: 2Sq Ft: 1418

1250 – 2500 sq ft, RTM Cabin Plans, Two Storey House Plans

Beds: 3Baths: 2Sq Ft: 1418

1250 – 2500 sq ft, RTM House Plans, Two Storey House Plans

Beds: 3Baths: 2Sq Ft: 1418

1250 – 2500 sq ft, RTM House Plans, Two Storey House Plans

Beds: 2 or 3Bath: 1Sq Ft: 1267

1250 – 2500 sq ft, RTM Cabin Plans, Two Storey House Plans

Beds: 2 or 3Bath: 1Sq Ft: 1267

1250 – 2500 sq ft, RTM Cabin Plans, Two Storey House Plans

Beds: 2 or 3Bath: 1Sq Ft: 1180

700 - 1250 sq ft, RTM Cabin Plans, Two Storey House Plans

Beds: 2 or 3Bath: 1Sq Ft: 1180

700 - 1250 sq ft, RTM Cabin Plans, Two Storey House Plans

Beds: 3Bath: 1Sq Ft: 1118

700 - 1250 sq ft, Bungalow House Plans, RTM Cabin Plans

Beds: 3Bath: 1Sq Ft: 1118

700 - 1250 sq ft, Bungalow House Plans, RTM Cabin Plans

Show Home For Sale!

Beryl 5


Ready early October!

“We have moved!!”

Please visit us on highway, 38159 Range Rd. 3054 off Highway 12.
Inbetween Martensville and Saskatoon
Please call 306-380-1450 to view any homes onsite.